Late last year my body was diagnosed with bladder cancer. It was a total shocker as I have almost always practiced healthy eating and living. I barely ever got sick pretty much throughout my entire life, and thought I would live to a ripe old age. Then as soon as I was diagnosed, I underwent a surgery to remove a tumor and then 6 weeks later another surgery to remove cancer cells. It was a roller coaster physically, mentally and emotionally and it not only affected me, but also my husband.
Enhance Your Health & Well-Being – Get Stronger & Energized to Accomplish More
Are you working at home or are you back in your office workplace? Are you exercising regularly or are you in a rut perhaps eating too much where you have put on an extra few pounds or more. There is
Transform Your Life By Living Consciously
Although none of us know exactly when we will take our last breath, we have a great deal of control over what we choose to do with the time we have. I spent many years working at Hospice with those who
Your Strengths Are Your Superpowers
We all have unique strengths — Being highly detailed and organized, remaining cool under pressure, amazing creativity, using humor to diffuse tense situations, keen technology skills, the ability to identify issues before they happen, wildly resourceful, and deep compassion to
Now May Be the Best Time to Revitalize Your Life & Work
All of us on this earth are living in a time of great traumatic change with massive paradigm shifts. The economy, jobs, education , society and our environment have all shifted, and our ability to live what we used to
How You Can Feel Good Now
If I asked you to describe “feeling good” you might say that it is happiness. It seems like almost everyone is chasing happiness most of their lives. There is a kind of an obsession with happiness. When was the last
How to Find Sanity, Well-Being & Better Health During a Challenging Time
Have you ever paused to notice how your body feels when you’re under stress? Your muscles may be tense, especially in your face, neck, and shoulders, leaving you with back or neck pain, or painful headaches. You may feel a
Create a Powerful Ripple Effect by Giving
I just ran into a friend who owns a popular restaurant in San Francisco. He seemed really down and despondent and I asked him what was going on. He was almost in tears as he told me that he had
The Secret to Interview Success
Whether you are feeling it or not, if you can appear confident in an interview (and not over-confident or cocky) it will go a long way in convincing the hiring management team that you are the right person for the
Dream Big, Start Small and Live the Life You Desire – Video & Blog Post
Breaking free from the traps that bind you How many of you want to do better in living the life you want? I am sure most are shaking your head saying yes. If you desire more or different in your